Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snow, Ground Hogs, Saints, and Pagans

I know a lot of people are thinking enough already, but it February folks! Snow is normal this time of year. I think we are all getting a little too used to climate change when we hope for 60 degree weather in the midst of winter. Personally, I'm hoping we get one more really big snow during this my birth month. I still need to make a snow man with my daughter this winter.

The fact yesterday was Ground Hog Day may have raised hopes for an early Spring. February 2nd is also Imbolic the Celtic celebration associated with the goddess Brigid or St. Brigid for the non pagans among us. Imbolic is a richer celebration and more layered with meaning than the modern Ground Hog Day of which it is the likely precursor. That is Brigid's Cross sitting in our window in honor of my daughter and the pagan/saint in her.


xoxoxo said...

Lovely pictures! And don't worry, you'll get your snow and then some! I remember coming home from the hospital with the new and little one with 3 feet of snow on the ground - February is definitely still winter.

We have a St. Brigid's cross that hangs over my apt. door that a co-worker brought back from Ireland. It's moved with me 3 times already...

jane said...

I'm a February baby and was born during a blizzard. Maybe that's why I love a good snow storm. It's cool that you have a St. Brigid's cross over your threshold. They are supposed to protect the home especially from fire.