Thursday, March 19, 2009

Affordable Luxuries #5: Heirloom Seeds

I'm gearing up to start a real vegetable garden this year. The last time I grew vegetables seriously, meaning more that just a tomato plant on a fire escape or a couple of pepper plants and herbs in pots, I was still a teenager. So, I'm facing the task with a weird combination of child-like exuberance and real trepidation. Am I up to the task of tending a crop, no matter how humble? Here I am with images of beautiful English gardens and French potagers floating in my head, while in reality I have yet to break ground and don't quite know where to start.

The answer may lie in these charming seed packets from the Hudson Valley Seed Library. The Art Pack series offers a selection of heirlooms seeds in petal fold packs with specially designed artwork by local Hudson Valley artists. At $3.50 a pack, forgoing a fancy latte today could yield a whole crop of heirloom tomatoes by end of summer. Think how happy I'll be biting in to an old fashioned tomato sandwich.


xoxoxo said...

I love these! I've really grown to appreciate vintage seed packet artwork through our collections
at work. There are some amazing images.

And I LOVE heirloom tomatoes - you have some yummy sandwiches to look forward to!

jane said...

I love seed packets too! I'm always happy to see a seed packet display in a store. This set is really beautiful and the packet with the Eiffel Tower on it is a nod to seed smuggling. Turns out people used to send seeds to their relatives hidden under stamps.Ingenious.