Sunday, May 29, 2011

Savoring a Long Weekend

I've really been looking forward to this long weekend. We are not hanging out in any exotic locales just taking on the wilds of our backyard and venturing out to the local garden shops.

The weekend has filled up quickly as a big prep session for the summer ahead. Lots of yard work, planting and Spring cleaning. It is officially still Spring and while I rather be kicking back, I know all the digging and mulching and fencing will be well worth when summer is in full swing and our garden is blooming.

We did take a break for "a big adventure" and "some exploring like Dora". That's how my daughter described our walk along the Columbia Trail yesterday. We walked about 1/2 mile in to look at the Gnome homes that has popped up along the path.

It was a lovely walk with coming down on the path but cool from the woods around us. It was quiet and peaceful with the occasional greeting from bike riders and fellow hikers.

1 comment:

Belle said...

Oh, I loved those Gnome homes! How my granddaughters would have been excited to see them.!