Monday, February 14, 2011

I heart...

Here's a random list of things I love...
my daughter
my family
reading bedtime stories and snuggling before lights out
black cashmere sweaters
a good cup of espresso in a real espresso cup
getting lost in a good book or movie
watching my daughter's dance class and swim class together
daffodils and violets
having a drink with friends
when my daughter announces it's a sunny shiny day" even when it's grey outside
nice art books
when the floor is freshly vacuumed and the toys are all put away (lasts five minutes)
a great pair of shoes
splashing in a pool on super hot days
checking tough "to dos" off my list
the way my daughter says "the end" instead of "amen" when she says her bedtime prayers
shopping for little clothes
looking at blogs
watching the deer in our backyard
when the laundry is all done (almost never)
freshly painted finger nails and manicured toes
"purizes" (surprises) from my daughter
flipping through magazines
finally seeing a movie I missed in the cinema (hmm, when was I last at a cinema)
time to knit, time to draw, time to just hang out
country roads
picking flowers

and the list could go on...

The awesome heart poster by Keith Davis Young and available here.

1 comment:

Belle said...

A beautiful and fun list of things to love. Your daughter sounds so cute.