Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The View From Train

There is always some interesting detail to spy from a train window. On my route I have favorite houses, factories, bridges and signs. I particularly like the view in the summer which becomes more varied with the addition of foliage, alternating between industrial, suburban, almost almost bucolic. I love spying into the backyards that line the tracks on certain stretches. Some of the yards are almost completely taken up by pools. These aqua oasises look incredibly appealing during the dog days of summer.

Near the city there are little vegetable garderns that residents sneak in between their backyards and the tracks. These border gardens are my current favorite scenery. I love that the residents are making use of every little bit of land. It's amusing to see tiny corn crops and zucchini growing on the slope down to the tracks. I have yet to snap a good photo of these train track farms. I'm going to make that my goal on my next trip into the city.

1 comment:

Belle said...

I had always wanted to ride on a train and see the countryside. I got to do it about 15 years ago and loved every minute. I traveled from Prince George to Clinto, both of which are in British Columbia. I did get scared once when the train stopped on a high trestle and the conductor told everyone to go to the right side of the train to see a spectacular vies. It sounds silly, but I worried about all that weight being on one side of the train! Oh well, it didn't tumble over and I am still here. Anyway, I loved your pictures from your train.