Friday, November 18, 2011

Thankful for Friday

The sun is out, it's crisp, the remaining leaves on the trees are a vivid yellow. Hurrah a fall weekend lies ahead. Looking forward to preparing for the holidays.

And I have to get two bags of bulbs planted while I still can. Not my favorite gardening activity but I be glad I did in the Spring.

The beautiful yellow leaves in the photo are actually in Vermont. Photographer unknown.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Try This at Home: Mini PearTarts

I want to try this recipe at home during my Thanksgiving break and enlist my four year old to help. I think it seems like a pretty fool proof recipe and a four year old's touch should prove interesting. Even hilarious.

See the full recipe at Oh Joy.
Photos by Michael Graydon. Styled by Nikole Herriott.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Harvest Tables

Sitting down to dinner at any of these tables would be a treat. Time to start thinking what's for Thanksgiving dinner.

The majority of these tables are set up outside. Would you eat Thanksgiving dinner a fresco?These look great, but I'm sure if I tried this at home, the temperature would drop or the wind would pick up.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Inspiration: Geniuses All

A generous sentiment from a real genius. Here's to climbing less and swimming more.

Poster available at society6.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Meow On

These rock and roll kitties took me right back to the joys of vinyl, liner notes and album cover art. Oh and they reminded me of some great music I haven't listened to in a while. What a brilliant twist on the familiar.

You can see more of Alfra Martini's revamped album covers at The Kitten Covers.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Leaf Jumper

Fall Back

Yesterday was a nice long day that allowed us to get a lot accomplished. Dinners for the week. Some over due gifts wrapped. We made a play-doh rainbow together. Two bushes were planted before it gets too cold. A massive pile of branches and sticks made their way to the curb. Garden gnomes were tucked away for the winter. And best of all leaf jumping. We raked just enough leaves to jump in and then enjoyed the fun.

I kept thinking some people are running a marathon today (people I know!) and felt like I should be accomplishing more. Then again, even with an extra hour, there is just so much time in a day.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Home Time

Looking forward to some real down time at home this weekend. Hopefully the weather holds (as in no snow storms) so we can spend some time in the yard.
There are still two bushes to plant and a big bag of bulbs that need to find a spot. The boxwood needs trimming and there are pots to be stored. Hopefully this will be the last of the yard work for a while.

Oh and leaves to rake. We haven't had the chance to jump in leaf piles yet this year.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

This is Going to Hurt Me More Than You

My little one is in the dental chair today getting her baby teeth filled or as they say at her kid friendly dentist "getting rid of the cavity creeps". Yesterday was one of the those parental lows. I felt awful when the cavity count came in, a parental failure.

She has a beautiful smile and brushes her teeth regularly which was not enough to overcome the fact she still drinks milk at bedtime. The cavity creeps took advantage this nighttime snack - big time.

Now I'm in a waiting room while my little one faces the world of dentistry. I'll face the bill later. Luckily, we have dental insurance and the balance, I'll view as my penance for those night time warm bottles and any skipped brushings.

Now, I'm just sitting here worrying if she's okay. Parents have to wait outside because they cause more anxiety than comfort. Yesterday she had so much fun during her check up and was thrilled to go back this morning. I'm hoping she doesn't walk out and look at me with a "what did you do to me" face.

Her tooth brush is in my hand bag and from now on I'll be sticking it in her mouth every chance I get.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday Inspiration: Break the Rules

I know it's Tuesday, but I found this today and I'm using # 24 on the list as my excuse to post it. Hmm, breaking the rules is fun.

A Wintery Halloween

The drastic weather from this past weekend had me scrambling to find a warmer Halloween costume for my daughter. Her butterfly costume was set aside and instead she made the rounds as a "baby witch" in a very over sized hat. I in a coordinating costume, went as the "mommy witch".

The funny thing was she didn't want to be in matching costumes. I had my witch gear left over from last year, so I thought she'd be pleased (and warmer) with her own witch costume. Well she was, but she stated very strongly that everyone should have their own costume and I should go as a duck.

Well I love her madly but that's where I draw the line. Even if I could have found a duck outfit, there was no way, I was going around the neighborhood as a giant water fowl. Hmm, was that witchy of me? Or her? I mean a duck, really? I wish I knew where she gets her ideas. They are so wonderfully kooky.

Image: ANDY WARHOL Witch, from Myths