Tuesday, August 19, 2008

End of Summer Aqua Blues

Less than two weeks left till Labor day which means the pools will be closing and swimmies will be replaced by backpacks. I'm going to miss the aqua blue water, neatly trimmed hedges and hodgepodge of vivid beach towels on the grass. Maybe even the the life guard's whistle followed by "walk" being shouted at some over excited little swimmer on his way to the snack bar.

At the pool the other day we were 50 cents short for an ice cream cone having spent all our cash on French fries. My niece said not to worry, we'd find the money and sure enough we did. Turns out she and her friend figured out that coins fall down into the cracks of the metal picnic tables and get left behind when swimmers head back to the pool. They've been making a point of the checking the tables each day. Turns out it has been a pretty lucrative summer for them. So we did a search and came up with 75 cents. I think the victory made our ice cream taste extra sweet.

The great photo above is by Friendly Made and available at their Etsy shop.

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